Blog #1, “The Big Day”
Our story begins in December 2009. Jenson Button had just
secured the World Driver’s Championship for Brawn GP in the only season they
competed. Here is not the time to dwell on that particular story. However,
having clinched his title he decided to seek pastures new, so when Ross Brawn
needed a driver at short notice he called promptly on his old pal Michael
Schumacher. Convincing him to come out of retirement was no mean feat, but
convinced he was and the world was alive with news that the great man had come
To summarize, and I
must for I could write at great length about the guy, 2010 and 2011 were
disappointments. Not because of him, but more often than not the team let him
Monaco was the start of a new dawn of sorts, thankfully. A
feisty and somewhat marvellous qualifying session saw Michael the fastest man
around the circuit, however, during the grand prix his engine lost its taste
for drinking fuel leading to yet another retirement. The next grand prix in
Canada saw yet another technical issue force Michael to retire. Throughout all
the troubles Michael never lost faith in his team (
and this was duly rewarded.
Blog #2, “A more appropriate story”
So... if you’re reading this then I guess I can assume that
my first blog will remain forever hidden from the greater public, seen only by
the eyes of “Andi” and I. That’s a shame, you’ve really missed a compelling
story I’m afraid, however, the backup that I sent in case of that eventuality
has clearly been good enough to be approved. This blog arose from an offhand
suggestion that it could be nice to have a different point of view, a blog
behind the blog, letting you guys know just how much work “Andi” puts into her
blogs. Personally, I think if she approves this, then it’s because she’s on a
massive ego trip and this blog thing may be going to her head, but who am I to
I should begin with some sort of summarised back story.
“Andi” was introduced to me almost ten years ago when she was unfortunate
enough to sit nearby in a biology class. She may be “Andi” to you guys, but to
me she’ll always be Andrea. Anyway, somehow after going through school together
we’ve kept in touch through uni and ta da you’re up to date!
I was pleasantly surprised by her decision to accept my
invitation to visit Göteborg, Sweden. Not only was it a reasonably expensive and
loooooong trip, but the invitation had been standing for nearly a year so I had
long suspected she was never actually going to show her face over here.
At this point I should probably make a confession about the
idea of a blog behind the scenes, in that there’s not so much to tell! I can
exclusively reveal that a lot more work than I anticipated goes into making the
weekly blog we all enjoy, I’m talking about actual hours worth of effort. Most
of which it seems is spent on the agonising decision of which photos to include.
I haven’t put quite the same time and effort into photo selection, however, you
would be surprised how quickly time flies when you begin writing. So having now
covered the important details I thought it would be more interesting to tell a
new story and play a game. Without further ado, here is the newest and most
exciting game to be played on this blog!
Guess the animal from
Andrea’s wonderful impressions which will hopefully remind me of the answers
because I don’t remember the middle one!
Next up we have the abridged version of a story that I call “Epic Fail Monday” (E.F.M). This was the last day of Miss Magee’s stay in Sweden and as had been the case for nearly her entire visit, the weather was miserable. Being the creative man I am, quickly a plan formed in my mind, instead of getting soaked on rollercoasters as per our original plan we could not get soaked instead! The new plan involved grabbing some cider, a pic’n’mix, Swiss francs, towels and heading to Chalmers (my university) where we could use a lecture room to watch a movie, swim, and then sauna. A brilliant plan I hear you cry, and yes it was, however, it quickly unravelled. A forgotten key card, and a disastrous episode with trams meant that a 16 minute journey took over 2 hours, the lecture rooms were locked, the swimming pool was busy and the door to the main sauna was hanging off its hinges and hence letting all the heat out! Being a plucky pair though, we were undeterred and found a smaller and hotter sauna. To end an interesting afternoon I then proceeded to kick Andi’s ass at pool, which is why it is somewhat surprising that she’s smiling in this photo taken after her defeat...
I could also tell you about an Erasmus goodbye dinner and mojito’s that evening but there’s not much to tell that is of interest if you weren’t there! Instead I thought I would introduce my second feature to this blog, entitled “Watch ‘Andi’ miss the basket in Frisbee golf and then cheat but get caught on camera”
That brings us to the end of my first / second ever blog
post (dependent on Andrea’s approval). If you’ve made it this far, then
congratulations and many thanks for sticking with it. If you skipped straight
to this point or just looked at the photo’s then I must also applaud your spirit
and approach, you haven’t missed much anyway! Finally, on the basis that this
is the last time I will write here I must say goodbye and good luck in your
future endeavours whatever they may be.
Toodle pip!
P.s. After Andrea left I’m pleased to say the sunshine came
back to Gothenburg and has been here ever since!
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